Permit Application Instructions

Pursuant to Chapter 333, Florida Statutes and Section 6.1(w), Chapter 2003-370, Laws of Florida, a Proponent is required to file a FAA 7460-1 Form and an Airport Height Zoning Permit Application when exceeding heights identified in the Height Zoning Regulations. The forms will initiate an airspace review for your proposed project and/or equipment with both the Aviation Authority and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Please note that a proposal for a crane needs to be filed separately from a structure if the proposed crane height exceeds the requested structure height.

The Federal Aviation Administration’s form is entitled “Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration” (7460-1). It should be forwarded to the FAA, or it can be completed electronically on-line from the FAA Obstruction Evaluation Web page (OE/AAA).

Prior to the submittal of any application for an airport height zoning permit, a prospective applicant should request a pre-application conference with the Airport Zoning Director. The pre-application conference is to advise the applicant of the information needed for submittal and the standards and other requirements so that issues can be identified and costly modifications avoided.

An application for an airport height zoning permit must contain a completed Aviation Authority Permit Application (Notary required) and supplemental information contained in the on-line submittal process. Other information may be required if applicable such as; a site plan; elevation plan; Multiple Point Template; FAA Determination; a Variance application; and a 1A Survey. Cad files and other data may be requested to fully enable the Airport Zoning Director to determine whether or not the proposal will comply with these regulations. The Airport will initiate a review process with the FAA for projects that are on Airport Property.

The Aviation Authority requires the elevation of each corner of the building and its highest point. If request you should submit an AutoCAD drawing file in a State Plane Coordinate System.

For Projects with multiple points the applicant must use the Multiple Point Template which is available on the Height Zoning Web Page.

All information pertaining to the Aviation Authority’s Permit Application should be sent to the attention of the Height Zoning & Land Use Manage, Aviation Authority.

The Aviation Authority will not issue a height zoning permit until after the FAA has completed its review and the Aviation Authority has received the FAA Determination.

Each airport height zoning permit will specify an expiration date as a condition.  Development authorized by the permit must commence prior to the permit’s expiration date and must continue without interruption in good faith until development is complete; otherwise it shall lapse. The Zoning Director may grant one extension concurrent with an FAA approval up to 18 months. The extension must be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.

Temporary Permits may be issued in an emergency situation for construction equipment that will not exceed 72 hours and will not create an airspace hazard.